About H2O
Image brochure
Quality characteristics of vacuum distillation systems
Comparison of different treatment methods
DIN ISO 9001 certificate
Code of Conduct
VACUDEST Datasheets
Technical Data VACUDEST XS
Technical Data VACUDEST XS Clearcat
Technical Data VACUDEST S
Technical Data VACUDEST M
Technical Data VACUDEST L
Technical Data VACUDEST XL
Technical Data VACUDEST XXLTechnical Data VACUDEST XS-XXL
VACUDEST brochure
Activepowerclean brochure
Destcontrol brochure
Clearcat brochure
Purecat brochure
Vacutouch brochure
H2O customer service, efficiently and safely
Optimum system availability. Thanks to the experts & Smart Services from H2O.
e-Service. simple, fast & comfortable
Certified, VACUDEST Operator Qualification
Driving directions
H2O GmbH
Wiesenstrasse 32
79585 Steinen I Germany
Telefon: +49 7627 9239-0
E-Mail: info@h2o-de.com
News from the leaders in zero liquid discharge production you will find here...
Of 100% industrial wastewater, we make 95% pure distillate. How? That explains our 3D animated film!
You have questions on our VACUDEST systems?
Kindly contact us!
Your contact is:
Thomas Dotterweich
Senior Sales Engineer
+49 7627 9239-306
You need consumables, spare parts or a maintenance date?
We will be pleased to assist you!
Your contact is:
Carles Fité
Technical Customer Support
+49 7627 9239-888
You want to be part of our team and create the wastewater-free future with us?
We will tell you how!
Your contact is:
Bettina Böhringer
Human Resources
+49 7627 9239-201