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Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge.

Starting in April 2019 H2O China has a new General Manager: Roland Lochner succeeds Uwe Hanschke who will return to the headquarter H2O GmbH I Germany and will head the applications department. By this he will be still involved in close contact into different projects not only in China, but all around the world.

“It was an incredible exciting and interesting time for me in China” states Uwe Hanschke. “When I’m asked about the biggest challenges as a German General Manager in China people expect me to confirm that the cultural differences are the biggest challenge. Generally this is even the smaller one, the bigger challenge is to explain the German colleagues from headquarter that some things work differently in China”. He smiles and adds that he is leaving with a happy and a sad eye. “It was really interesting with getting new friends and contacts, challenges in daily life, in the ramp-up of the company etc. but also we look forward to return home to face new challenges and reunite family.”

His successor, Roland Lochner, is supported by Deputy General Manager David Shen. Roland Lochner joined H2O in December 2018, had several weeks of transfer work and trainings and is in the best possible ways prepared for the tasks and challenges in China. He has already more than five years experience in China and is familiar with both working cultures and Chinese culture. “Anyhow I wouldn’t call me an expert for Chinese culture, because even with more than 20 years in China, everybody can and will face new surprises” he adds.

The subsidiary H2O (Kunshan) Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2015. Started with only one more employee the team around Uwe Hanschke has grown every year up to 12 now to be present in the market and promote the vision of a wastewater free production. In realization of more than 60 installations covering all different sizes and applications from the product portfolio, H2O Kunshan moved to new premises to satisfy the growing market demand by shorter lead times, enhanced on-site service and space for trainings.

The interest of the technology for waste water treatment in China is incredible high. “Very high environmental laws and requirements challenge companies in different ways and force them to reduce not only waste water production, but even more to realize a waste water free production” states Roland Lochner. “To share our vision of sustainable environmental protection we are looking forward to support with our technologies companies and organizations in saving resources, reduce cost and fulfilling legal requirements.”


About H2O – The leaders in zero liquid discharge at H2O are global technology leaders in efficient and safe evaporators for treating and recycling industrial wastewater. Systems are individually tailored to customer requirements thanks to modular technology. More than 30 years of experience ensures extraordinary products that set technological standards.

Parent company H2O GmbH is headquartered in Germany and supplies over 100 systems a year to the entire world according to the motto ‘German Engineering’. The H2O Kunshan subsidiary was established in 2015. 12 sales and laboratory employees support the ever-increasing number of Chinese customers.


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