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Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge.

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The underlying idea is actually quite simple: If your processing system is down or does not deliver the desired results, you lose money. Even with optimum organization in place, it still takes time for our service engineer to arrive on site. This is why we developed our e-service to assist you in an even faster and more cost-efficient manner.

Vacutouch machine control system with remote service option

Our modern Vacutouch machine control provides convenient remote access to your VACUDEST vacuum distillation system over the internet. By the way, this applies not only to us, but also to your own qualified service personnel. Regardless if it's by desktop computer, notebook, tablet or mobile phone, as long as you have an Internet connection, you can access your VACUDEST vacuum distillation system right away.

Competent support reduces costs

In addition to current data, you can also view the operating history for the last 12 months. This allows our service specialists to obtain a full overview of the on-site situation and intervene in a quick and competent way. In fact, this new functionality renders over 40 % of the previously required, unplanned technical staff deployments on site obsolete. You can now benefit from fewer downtimes and improved system availability while simultaneously reducing your costs.

On-site visits are well prepared

Yet even in those cases where on-site deployment becomes necessary, we are ready to react appropriately. Any necessary spare parts are dispatched in advance and our highly qualified service engineers always have the right solutions to suit your situation.

Well informed but still have questions?

Our experts have the answer.

Contact us now


You want to be part of our team and create the wastewater-free future with us?

We will tell you how!


Your contact is:

Bettina Böhringer
Human Resources

+49 7627 9239-201


You have questions on our VACUDEST systems?

Kindly contact us!


Your contact is:

Thomas Dotterweich
 Senior Sales Engineer

+49 7627 9239-306


You need consumables, spare parts or a maintenance date?

We will be pleased to assist you!


Your contact is:

Carles Fité
 Technical Customer Support

+49 7627 9239-888