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Los Expertos en Vertido Cero de Aguas Residuales.

…Today we want to encourage and show that everyone can do something for the environment. Not only as a company (we do that too - you can find it in our new sustainability report (available only in German) https://www.h2o-de.com/de/ueber-uns/nachhaltigkeit), but also each and every one of us. Environmental protection can be so simple.

That's why for World Environment Day, 5th of June, we have our employee top tips for more environmental protection in everyday life:

  • We do without PET bottles, we drink treated tap water. (Service)
  • I always collect the rubbish under water when I go diving. (Service)
  • I have had an extended "no advertising" sticker on my letterbox for a few months now, which also includes free magazines. This simple measure works very well and saves a lot of paper waste! (Application Technology)
  • I ride my bicycle every day, even in winter. The family car often sits in the garage for weeks. (Distribution)
  • I mainly buy regional food. Avoiding long transport routes saves CO². (Service)
  • Before we buy something new, we always consciously ask ourselves whether we really need it. (HR)
  • I use reusable pads to remove my make-up, this avoids waste. (Engineering)
  • We have switched to e-cars and make the compensation payment when we travel by plane (Management)
  • I only shop once a week and make a meal plan so I don't waste food. (HR)
  • We don't have a pool, but we have a paddling pool. After bathing, we use the water to water our vegetable garden. (Marketing)

What are your best tips? Feel free to let us know!

Follow H2O GmbH. Die Experten für abwasserfreie Produktion. to learn how your production can become wastewater-free. https://www.linkedin.com/company/h2o-gmbh-leaders-in-zero-liquid-discharge 



Environmentally friendly fruit garden

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Trabaja con nosotros

¿Quiere ser parte de nuestro equipo y ayudarnos a lograr un futuro libre de aguas residuales?

¡Nosotros le decimos como hacerlo!


Su contacto:

Bettina Böhringer

+49 7627 9239-201


¿Necesita consumibles, piezas de recambio o una cita para mantenimiento?

¡Con gusto le ayudamos!


Su contacto:

Carles Fité
Responsable de asistencia técnica al cliente

+49 7627 9239-888


¿Tiene preguntas acerca de nuestro sistema VACUDEST?



Su contacto:

Thomas Dotterweich
Senior Sales Engineer

+49 7627 9239-306